Projets(s) de recherche, responsable |
Advanced signal processing for dual comb interferometry, Jérôme Genest
Advancing Renewal Energy and Strategic Metals through Multi-Scale Sustainable Process Innovation, Faical Larachi
Améliorer la performance énergétique des stations de pesée du réseau routier, Louis Gosselin
A new multi-scale approach to characterize concrete creep - Phase 2: drying effects, application to emerging concretes and micro-to-macro validation, Luca Sorelli
Approche globale eau potable et eau usée pour la gestion de l'eau dans les communautés nordiques, Stéphanie Guilherme
Approche globale eau potable et eau usée pour la gestion de l'eau dans les communautés nordiques, Stéphanie Guilherme
Approche globale eau potable et eau usée pour la gestion de l'eau dans les communautés nordiques, Stéphanie Guilherme
Bio-implant numérique pour la recherche préclinique sur les maladies respiratoires et cardio-vasculaires, Benoit Gosselin
Bio-renewable chemicals and smart materials derived from non-edible biomass, Marie-Josée Dumont
Canadian consortium for Quantum-Engineered States and Transduction (CanQuEST), Wei Shi
Caractérisation des propriétés mécaniques et de la durabilité du BFUP de Béton Provincial avec le développement d'une formule écologique à bas carbone, intégrant l'ajout de matériaux durables, dans le cadre d'une analyse du cycle de vie, Luca Sorelli
Carrots and sticks : assesing intervention effectiveness for sustainable mobility systems to reduce, Bobin Wang
Catalyseurs d'hydrogénation directe du CO2 en hydrocarbures aromatiques dans la perspective du développement durable, Serge Kaliaguine
Climate-Resilien Power Systems : Pioneering a Greener Future through ML-Enabled Sustainable Energy Optimization and Control, Seyedmasoud Mohseni Bonab
Climate-Resilient Power Systems: Pioneering a Greener Future through ML-Enabled Sustainable Energy Optimization and Control, Seyedmasoud Mohseni Bonab
Comprehensive utilization of minerla reources and waste CO2 gas for enhanced critical metals recovery and permanent CO2 storage, Fei Wang
Conception des infrastructures de transports pour le développement du nord, Jean-Pascal Bilodeau
Conception de surfaces de supports à l'aide d'outils de modélisation, Yves St-Amant
Construction rapide de ponts 100% en aluminium et assemblages hautes performances par FSW résistants à la fatigue, Nicolas Boissonnade
Context-Aware Spectrum Sharing and Management for Next Generation Wireless Networks, Md.Zoheb Hassan
Context-Aware Spectrum Sharing and Management for Next Generation Wireless Networks, Md.Zoheb Hassan
Contrôle de la disponibilité de l'eau par les interactions neige-forêt en climat froid et humide, Daniel Nadeau
Controlled high-velocity jets for precise medication administration, Seyed Mohammad Taghavi
Controls on nickel, copper, cobalt ore horizons in the Ungava Orogen, Nunavik, Quebec: Towards developing, Crystal Laflamme
CRYOTIC - Challenging Robots in Year-around, Outdoor, and Time-critical missions In extreme Conditions, François Pomerleau
Deep brain photometry of spatially distinct brain areas using a single optical fiber
Deep Learning with Little Labelled Data, Christian Gagné
Déploiement technologique du verre cellulaire en ingénierie routière, Jean-Pascal Bilodeau
Design development and validation of multifunctional coatings, biologically pro-active for regenerative medecine applied to buccal health, Diego Mantovani
Designing, developing and validating advanced materials and surface modifications for innovative biomaterials and implants, Diego Mantovani
Design, ingénierie et fabrication automatisés de maisons personnalisées, Jonathan Gaudreault
Developing mathematical and computational models to unravel the interactions between bacteria, phages and microbial metabolites, Elsa Marie Suzanne Rousseau
Developing mathematical and computational models to unravel the interactions between bacteria, phages, and microbial metabolites, Elsa Marie Suzanne Rousseau
Development of environmentally friendly extraction processes for the selective recovery of strategic and critical metals from e-wate products, Francis Bougie
Development of new carbide cutting tools with a High Entropy Alloy binder to substitute Cobalt, Carl Blais
Development through novel processing techniques of high-performance functional polymer-based nanomaterials for energy and biotechnological applications, Frej Mighri
Développement de batteries aluminium-air durables pour l'économie verte du Québec : valorisation du secteur aluminium, Faical Larachi
Développement de l'Overall Intercation Concept pour les éléments en acier et les matériaux non-linéaires, Nicolas Boissonnade
Développement des bétons imperméables à ultra-hautes performances intégrant les cendres volantes du Complexe de valorisation énergétique, Luca Sorelli
Développement d'une approche de gestion intelligente et durable de l'énergie dans l'industrie de l'usinage, Louis Gosselin
Développement d'une carte carbone pour Montréal : inventaire spatio-temporel des émissions urbaines de gaz à effet de serre, Valeriane Champagne-Saint-Arnaud
Développement d'un substitut biologique de valve cardiaque fabriqué par génie tissulaire, Jean Ruel
Développement et prototypage de systèmes électriques décentralisés et décarbonés, Innocent Kamwa
Discovering the in-depth material-process-properties relationship for advancing the development of high-performance metallic biomaterials, Hendra Hermawan
Displacement Flows for Cementing Wellbores, Seyed Mohammad Taghavi
Eco-Friendly Mine Tailings Carbon Sequestration through Hydrodynamic Cavitation, Faical Larachi
Energy Transition Era : A climateric for Sustainable Production Planning and Control in Open Pit Mines, Ali Moradi Afrapoli
Environmental and climatic risk of degradation of network structures, David Conciatori
Establishing an in-depth understanding of the relationship between microstructural evolution and corrosion behavior of acoustoplastically-treated metallic structures, Hendra Hermawan
Étude du mélange d'un scalaire en écoulements turbulents cisaillés libres, Jean Lemay
Évaluation, mise à niveau et réhabilitation des barrages en remblai dans un contexte de changements climatiques et de hausse des critères de conception sismique, Jean Côté
Expanding the boundaries of scintillation dosimetry with data science, signal processing and innovative design, Louis Archambault
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Fire Performance of Concrete Beams Reinforced with FRP Bars, Ahmed El Refai
Filtering Algorithms Based on Lagrangian Relaxation, Claude-Guy Quimper
From waste to value-added products : sustainable catalytic valorization of waste materials, Maria-Cornélia Iliuta
Grid Condition and Resilience-Aware Incentivization and Deployment of Distributed Energy Resources, Akhtar Hussain
Grid Condition and Resilience-Aware Incentivization and Deployment of Distributed Energy Resources, Akhtar Hussain
High-mix low-volume 3D object detection and tracking, Jean-François Lalonde
Hybrid Integrated Quantum Light Sources, Wei Shi
Hydrodynamics of cavitating and vortical flows in hydraulic turbomachines in off-design conditions: inception and mitigation, Sébastien Houde
Hydrokinetic Energy : Turbine technologies and Array Deployment Optimization through CFD, Guy Dumas
Impact hydroclimatique de l'hydroélectricité en région froide face à une crysophère en changement - le cas du complexe de la Romaine, Daniel Nadeau
Impacts of climate change on water quality in water distribution networks, Geneviève Pelletier
Improving sustainable development concrete production practices using a monitoring system of the fresh concrete properties, Marc Jolin
In-depth corrosion assessment of novel high strength biocompatible alloys for dental implants
Ingénierie d'un système de culture cellulaire auto-suffisant et à faible empreinte environnementale, Alain Garnier
Innovative bioabsorbable zinc-based materials for potential application as cerebrovascular stents, Diego Mantovani
Innovative biomedical microsystems driven by data and artificial intelligence, Benoit Gosselin
Integrated Multimodal Travel Behavior Analysis under Mobilitu as a Service, Bobin Wang
Intelligent Assistive Technologies in Rehabilitation Engineering for People Living with Upper Limb Disabilities, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours
Intelligent Reflecting Surface Empowered Transmission Techniques for Next-Generation Communication Systems, Ming Zeng
Interactive reinforcement learning for adaptive experimental design, Audrey Durand
Lipid biomarkers to unravel the processes controlling the role of ice algae in Artic ecosystem dynamics, Rémi Amiraux
Liquid Crystalline Orientational Excitations in Biological Membranes, Tigran Galstian
Management of reinforced concrete infrastructures affected by alkali-reaction and corrosion in a cracked medium, Benoît Fournier
Mechanical design of transportation embankments built on thawed permafrost, Simon Dumais
Mechanical design of transportation embankments built on thawed permafrost
Mitigation of biochar self-ignition, Houshang Darvishi Alamdari
Modelling and Diagnostic of Anomalies in Francis Turbines MD-Francis, Sébastien Houde
Mouvements de terrain et les effets du climat, Ariane Locat
Multiphase multilayer viscoplastic displacement flows: Controlling interfacial patterns, Seyed Mohammad Taghavi
Multi-user and low-cost silicon interposer platform for bio-quantum systems, Benoit Gosselin
Nanoparticle-containing polymers and soft materials for applications in radiology, oncology and ophthalmology, Marc-André Fortin
Neuromorphic Optical Nanomaterials for Brain-Inspired Computing, Gabriella Tessitore
New bioabsorbable metallic biomaterials and competitive fabrication processes for Global Health, including neurosurgery, Diego Mantovani
New glassy Materials and Optical fibers for wellbeing in Society., Younès Messaddeq
NSERC Donna Strickland Prize for Societal Impact of Natural Sciences and Engineering Research, Peter Vanrolleghem
Numérisation 3D de précision des puits de mine, Simon Thibault
OFI SF9 Portable Imaging Cytometer for Autonomous, Low-Cost Monitoring of Microorganisms, Ecosystems and Water Pollution in Oceans and Lakes, Benoit Gosselin
Outils d'analyse, de modélisation et d'optimisation des performances des systèmes assujettis à des perturbations aléatoires, Daoud Ait-Kadi
Outils de conception thermique des infrastructures de génie civil dans le contexte des changements climatiques, Jean Côté
Paramétrisation minéralogique de la performance métallurgique pour une gestion automne transversale de la production minière, Jocelyn Bouchard
Physics - driven image compositing, Jean-François Lalonde
Planificaiton des transports dans un environnement dynamique et stochastique, Jean-François Côté
Planification de projets de réfection de navires, Claude-Guy Quimper
PLASTICS: Plastic Affordance through Science and Technology Innovation for Circular Solutions, Jesse Greener
Quality control and progress monitoring from large-scale 3D point clouds, Jean-François Lalonde
Quantified and Corrected Photonic Integrated Circuits (QC-PIC), Wei Shi
Rapidly Deployable Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, Philippe Cardou
Reconstruction de surface et modélisation 3D:exploration des représentations implicites, Denis Laurendeau
Recovery of strategic materials from Zinc plant residue, Houshang Darvishi Alamdari
Recycling concrete aggregate in precast concrete applications and enhancement of their property by carbonation, Luca Sorelli
Richer sensors and challenging environments : filling a gap in training field robotic perception systems, Philippe Giguère
Robust Bounded Repair Methodologies for Composite Aircraft Structures, CBOND, Marie-Laure Dano
Solar Light-Driven Nanomaterials for Green and Sustainable Energy Applications, Trong ON Do
Study on the viscoelastic properties of gels from the extra-cellular matrix of decellularized tissue for therapeutic applications in cardiac and parenchymal issue, Diego Mantovani
Sustainable carbon electrodes for metallurgical processes, Houshang Darvishi Alamdari
Sustainable concretes with low shrinkage cracking sensitivity, Benoît Bissonnette
Sustainable Development of Ultra-High Performance Concretes Containing Municipal Solid Waste, Luca Sorelli
Synthèse de carbonates organiques incluant les carbohydrates de terpènes - 456462014, Serge Kaliaguine
Systèmes robotiques pour l'assemblage de structures légères de grande dimension, Clément Gosselin
The carbon cycling of eastern Quebec boreal forests in the context of climate change and hydropower production, Daniel Nadeau
The hydrologic empacts of a subarctic landscape in transition, Jean-Michel Lemieux
The hydrologic impacts of a subarctic landscape in transition, Jean-Michel Lemieux
Thermoplastic Composite for Advanced Air Mobility, Marie-Laure Dano
Titanium recyclability and valorization experience, Carl Blais
Towards advanced design and performance assessment approaches for the new generation of lightweight pedestrian structures, Pampa Dey
Towards Developing a Physically Based Ice Jam Flood Early Warning System, Tadros Ghobrial
Towards Developing a Physically Based Ice Jam Flood Early Warning System, Tadros Ghobrial
Towards digital twin based control of water resource recovery facilities - Methods supporting the use of adaptive hybrid twins, Peter Vanrolleghem
Towards Net-zero Emissions: Mechanics, Processes and Materials to Support Risk-Based Well Decommissioning, Seyed Mohammad Taghavi
Towards new generations of high-tensile eco-friendly fabric-reinforced cementitious matrices (FRCM) retrofitting solutions, Ahmed El Refai
Upgraded infrastructure for Tb/s optical components and communications, Leslie Rusch
Value chain collaboration and coordination, Mikael Rönnqvist
Vers la remédiation du Lac St-Augustin par l'implantation d'une méthode d'adsorption des phosphates, Céline Vaneeckhaute
Vers un béton durable à faible empreinte carbone : Innovations pour l'avenir de la construction, Josée Duchesne
Vers une meilleure représentation des propriétés physiques de la neige à l'échelle du Canada, Daniel Nadeau
Wastewater-based health monitoring in northern communities in Nunavik, Stéphanie Guilherme
Waves - Waveform Analysis for Vehicles in Extreme Scenarios, François Pomerleau